How do I build a survey with automatic rankingscores for the visitor? | XM Community
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The survey contains 30 multiple choices question and I want them to get a rankingscore of how god/bad they manage the test.
Here are instructions for scoring a survey:

Ranking the score against everyone else who has completed the survey up until now would be much more difficult and involve custom coding.
Thank you so so much Tom!

Do you know where I can manage the design for their results of the survey for visitors?

And how to get 4 different ranking score in one survey, tried to build all my 30 questions into 4 different groups. but the results just come out as one score for ALL the questions.

something like this

Create four different scoring categories.

From that survey you posted, can you post an image of the screen you want to emulate? I don't want to go through the whole thing.
Sure, here they are!

@jonas17 - It looks like you'll want to pipe the weighted mean score for each of the categories into an end of survey message. Use Piped Text to pipe the means into a temporary Text / Graphic question then copy them to your end of survey message. The pipes would look something like:



Sorry Tom, I did't really get that..

What is "piped text" and where do I manage/edir the survey message?

Came this far
Copy your pipe(s) (${gr://...}) to a scratchpad (e.g. Notepad). Then go to Library/Messages Library and create an End of Survey Message. Paste your pipe(s) in the appropriate place(s). After you have created your EOS message, change your Survey Options to use the EOS message you created.
Awsome, that helped me a lot. But the pipe text are the same on every question?
Fixed it! 😃
What am I doing wrong?

everytime I do the survey I Only get 2 out if 4 answers? !

Now I am almost done. just have a few questions.

1. When I upload a Video to EOS It do not appear when I do the survey and then get the EOS?

( picture)

2. how do I make the text in the EOS in bigger size? Even how big I make it it just come out as a regular size after the survey.

3. And how Do I make so everytime you click on an answer in the survey it automatically direct to the next question.

Tanks for answer! This program is soo good!!


Can someone help me with this please..
Hi @jonas17! It is best to tag users in a comment (by using @ and their username) in order to make sure they get a notification. Otherwise, if you find that you need additional assistance, you can always reach out to our Support Team at any time!

1. Did you program the end of survey message to appear for this survey? Survey options > Survey Termination > Custom end of survey message.


2. Go to your message library (Library, top right screen), then to your end of survey message. Open and edit from there using the Rich Text Editor.

3. This should happen automatically. What is happening with your survey? Any chance you'd be willing to post the .qsf file or at least a preview link URL?
Thank you for that Akdashboard

1. Yes i did. I can see the customized text in the EOS, but not my youtube video?

2. I Tried that as well, but The Rich text come out as a normal text.. I must be doing something wrong..

3. Well, when you do the survey you have to click the button in the right corner to come to the next question. Do you know how that can be fixed automatically?

Here you have the survey:

Thanks for answer Akdashboard
@jonas17 - I apologies for my lack of knowledge in Swedish.

1. Do you have the video saved in your library? If so, you should be able to add it directly using 'rich text editor'

2. I will private message you with my personal email address. Please reach out with a screen shot of your message _as it appears in rich context editor_. I will try to help you.

3. AH! You want the survey to go t the next page _after they click their selection, and without clicking ">>"_. I found this code from @AlexB in another thread. Put this code in the JavaScript of _EVERY_ question.



var that = this;

this.questionclick = function(event,element){

if (element.type == 'radio') {





Walk through:



Note- You may also want to hid the ">>" button. To do this, add this code to your Custom CSS for the survey.

#PreviousButton, #NextButton{

display: none;


Walk through:


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