How to change answer choice setting | XM Community
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I'm wondering the way to change the answer choice setting. I'm using a picture scale in Qualtrics to measure emotions.

In the design view, it's perfectly fine, please see the first picture. But when I preview the question, it looks like the second pic. How can I keep it like the first one? Thank you!!!!



Is your problem that the images are shrunk or that the numbers aren’t level? For the first, changing themes to the Minimal version may solve that. For the latter, the easiest way may be to add some line breaks before the numbers that don’t have images.
> @mattyb513 said:

> Is your problem that the images are shrunk or that the numbers aren’t level? For the first, changing themes to the Minimal version may solve that. For the latter, the easiest way may be to add some line breaks before the numbers that don’t have images.

Thank you for you reply! My problem is the former. I do want my picture to be larger. But what's your mean by changing themes to the minimal version? Do you mean by changing the picture size?
Go to the Look and Feel and then change out the theme your survey is using. You can find more info about themes in the help pages.
@bichangk - I'd also be careful with your scale. I uni-polar 9 point scale is a bit unorthodox. Your pictures clearly indicate a trend in severity. Adding halfway points (2,4,6,8) may obscure you data. What is difference between 2 and 3, for example.

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