How to display the same set of questions after each question in a block? | XM Community
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Hi everyone!
I have a survey where several pieces of news are displayed to the respondents and they have to characterize it as true or false.
I want to display the 2 exact same questions after each piece of news. The first one would be always displayed, but only after answering true or false, and the second would be displayed if the answer to the first one is "yes".
I tried to do it using display logic, but it's not working because the pieces of news are randomized. Is there any other way to do it?
Or maybe some way to display the same loop&merge block (with the 2 exact same questions) after each question (the piece of news) that are in another block?
Can someone please heeellpppp?
Many thanks!!!

I would create a block for each piece of news, each with the same two questions. .
image.pngSo you would have to Copy the same block many times, and edit each block to switch out for new news...
But then you could randomize the blocks rather than the questions:
It's not quite a fast as loop and merge. But I think it's the best way to accomplish your goal given what I understand of your goals.

Why not do it all in one loop & merge block and randomize the loops?

  1. News

  2. T/F Question

  3. Q1

  4. Q2

Thanks Kate!! You understood my goal correctly! It's a bit time consuming, but still a possible solution that I hadn't thought of!

TomG thanks! Your suggestion seems good, but I didn't quite understood what you mean by randomize the loops. Could you please explain a bit more?

Your suggestion seems good, but I didn't quite understood what you mean by randomize the loops. Could you please explain a bit more?

At the bottom of the loop & merge setup there is a checkbox to randomize the loop order. You said you wanted the pieces of news randomized, so you would check that box.

TomG got it, thanks!
Another related question: using this solution is it possible to show to each respondent a limited number of news&the 3 subsequent questions for each piece of news from a bigger news set (for example, show to each respondent 2 pieces of news from a set of 10 pieces of news)?

Another related question: using this solution is it possible to show to each respondent a limited number of news&the 3 subsequent questions for each piece of news from a bigger news set (for example, show to each respondent 2 pieces of news from a set of 10 pieces of news)?

Yes, after you check 'Randomize loop order' there will be an option to limit the number of loops.

TomG yes, but when I check "randomize loop order" and limit to3 loops, for example, it shows the complete set of news (the 10) three times, instead of showing only 3 random news out of 10.
Do you know if there is anyway where it can present only the 3 random news out of 10 pieces of news?

You haven't set up your loop & merge correctly. The news items (text or html) should be a loop and merge field (one new items per row) and you should pipe that field into your one news question (e.g. ${lm://Field/1}).

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