How to populate choices to a question for a specific user | XM Community
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Hi everyone,

I am a new user to Qualtrics, building my first survey. I have a file in excel that contains many columns, but among those columns are username, email, and installed software. I have already uploaded the file using contact list. The file contains many duplicates with the same username and email, however, different installed software. How do I make it so that one user with multiple installed software appears once that shows all the installed software they are using? Also, I want a question to ask whether they are still using the installed software. How do I make it so that each user only sees the particular software they have installed when they take the survey? So in the attached file, I have user ABC appearing twice with two different installed software. How do I make it so ABC sees Tableau and Alteryx and user DEF sees Qualtrics? Any help would be much appreciated!

Thank you
You can modify your contact list, if you want to show user a survey only once than you have to modify your contact list either of below ways:

1) make multiple columns for software installed like variables s1,s2,s3...

2) merge softwares separated by commas.

As per me first point will be better solution .
"Software installed" column should hold all possible options separated by "comma" for unique contact [email id].

Then, on the question where you asked "whether they are still using the installed software" (hoping its a multi-select checkbox question) add a JavaScript which will capture the embedded data (Software installed) value separated by a comma, and based on it you will auto select the option... below is the example code...which you will have to put in onReady function of JavaScript

You will have to find the id of the option which you want to auto-select based on "IF" condition through inspect element

Hi @Cgandhi07 ,

In this scenario either you have to send multiple links for all users like if user A use 2 softwares , he/she will receive two survey links for each software that you will pipe from contact list variable stored as embedded data.

Other solution is to redevelop contact list

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