How to set up a randomised (incentivised) payment screen? | XM Community
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Hi everyone, I'm using Qualtrics to run an economics experiment. Most of the economic experiments need to be incentivised. And my project is even more complicated in terms of incentivisation.

In my project, subjects need to make 2 rounds of choices. There is one day time-interval between the 2 rounds. In each round, subject need to make 14 choices and thus after 2 rounds they will make 28 choices.

In the end of 2nd round, after all subjects make choices, they need to be moved to a "payment" screen, where 1 out of 28 trials would be randomly selected and show up on the screen with a subject's response. And I will pay my subjects according to this screen.

This is my first time to use Qualtrics to design an experiment. I searched a lot but cannot find useful tips about how I can achieve my goal. Anyone in the community may not give me some idea or some resources that I could ask for help?

Thank you very much!
You first have to store these 28 choices in some hidden question or embedded variable. And than you can show one out of selected 28 on your next screen where incentive information you will show.
Hi @xwan8838

1) You can get the answers to be saved in a variable with the help of piped text , You can save the questions too similarly.

2) You can Save data into the Embedded Variable

3)Now use randomizer to randomize which Question and answer are stored in an embedded data

4) Pipe the text in Your End Of Survey Message to get a random Question and its response on End of Survey message on the basis of which they can be given incentive.

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