How to view the data you have made edits to | XM Community
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I have a survey that I need to export in legacy format. I am receiving a warning that Qualtrics will not export any of the data edits I made. My data edits were not tracked. Is there any way to quickly see my data edits, either within the platform or on an exported file? The survey has around 5,000 responses.

Thanks in advance!
Hey @uhrxx005! Check out this page about how you can view and restore the responses that were edited from within the platform. To view your unedited responses, you can export your data using the Legacy format. Since response editing will not be reflected in Legacy exports, you can compare your Legacy export to a Data Table export to find the edited responses.
Hi Lauren. Thank you for the response. I was aware of these methods. What I am really looking for is a feature where qualtrics can tell me the data cells that have been edited. Since this survey had 10,000 plus responses, going through each one individually is not practical. Fortunately I was able to get in touch with the person who made the edits and they were able to recall who the edit was made for. But I still think this would be a great feature to have!
Hi @uhrxx005! Great news to hear that you got in touch with the individual who made those edits! I would recommend posting this idea in our Product Ideas category, as it is a feature not already developed by our team. Be sure to review the How to Write a Good Product Idea template and our Ideation Guidelines before you post your idea!

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