I am thinking about a SMS single question survey for each day of training. | XM Community
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We are a train the trainer org and I am thinking about a single question each day that would go out SMS to gauge training experience. The survey results each day would go back to the instructor for that course. Currently, we don't collect cell phones when someone registers for a course (I'll deal with this later).

I'm looking for those orgs that conduct training on what questions you would find helpful each day of training. We have a post-training survey, so I am looking for questions that are not asked in that survey. Let me know some questions. Thanks.
Questions can be like:

1.) How likely would you be to recommend this training course to a friend or colleague?

2.)How well did the content that was delivered match what you were promised when you registered?

3.) How much new information did you receive in the training course?

4.) How engaging was the main presenter?

5.)Did the course improve your skills?

6.)What would have made the course better?
Hi, As you are planning to send survey via sms, we need to keep in mind the questions type to be asked as it is advisable to use limited open end questions and complex questions structure like matrix. I have attached example questionnaire. Hope this helps. Please feel free to customize and use as per your requirement.
Have you considered using an inbound SMS access code instead? It would have several benefits. You would not need to collect cell phone numbers, as participants would just text a phrase to a number to receive the survey. You can also set it up so the SMS reply contains a link to an online survey, which makes it so you don't have to worry about only selecting question types that work with SMS.

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