In a matrix question how to display selected statements in the next question, based on scale points? | XM Community
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Hello Community,
I have a matrix question Q1 with statements and scale points (Very likely to Very unlikely). In the next question Q2, I want to display only those statements from Q1 for which the respondents choose scale points "Very likely" and "Moderately likely". How do I do that?
I have tried display logic and carry forward, but not getting the result.
Any help is highly appreciated.


It's not totally clear what you want to do - when you say "display those statements"...where do you want to display them? As text in a question? or as Choices for follow up items?
For Example: In the matrix they select pants, shirts, and shoes out of a list of clothes, and now in the follow on question you want to ask for sizes? Do you mean like that?
From what you did provide, I'm thinking you may want to use "Display Logic" on the Choices - not the question as a whole (I'm assuming you tried Carry Forward properly)

Thanks. I would like to display in Q2, only those statements from Q1, which respondents selected under scale points "very likely" and "moderately likely"
So for example,
Very likely. Moderately likely. Slightly likely. .... Very unlikely
Statement 1.
Statement 2
Statement 3
Statement 6
If a respondent has selected "Very likely" for Statement 1 and "Moderately likely" for Statement 3, I would like to carry forward only statements 1 and 3 in the next question (because I am interested in only "Very likely" and "Moderately likely" being selected).
How do I do that?

In the follow on question,
Put in ALL the choices possible. Then for each choice, click on the blue dropdown for that choice. Choose Display Logic (for just that choice) and then set to be If that statement was one of the choices you wanted. Give me a sec and I'll add a screen shot...

2020-05-04 16_05_18-Edit Survey _ Qualtrics Survey Software.jpg2020-05-04 16_04_26-Edit Survey _ Qualtrics Survey Software.jpg

Found a better way to show a picture.
2020-05-04 16_04_26-Edit Survey _ Qualtrics Survey Software.jpg
2020-05-04 16_05_18-Edit Survey _ Qualtrics Survey Software.jpg


Thanks, it worked perfectly!

woo hoo! Music to my ears.

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