Inline partial survey in a website | XM Community
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Hello, I want to embedded my partial survey in a website. I want to show only two questions not the entire survey. First I tried to use the iframe solution, but it show the whole survey. I had an idea to create a HTML form to fixed my questions and each option button redirect to a specific link. My problem is that I want to have a single selection question and an open-ended question, how could I create a form to have a single selection question and an open-ended question and more important to redirect these information to qualtrics?
If you do your own form with just those two questions, then you can pass the answers into your Qualtrics survey using the Q_PopulateResponse parameter, but you'll have to put them in a json string first. I've never been able to find any official Qualtrics documentation on Q_PopulateResponse. So, check out this post I did a while ago.
Just wanted to hop in here, @TomG and @mapariel - we have documentation for Q_PopulateResponse that you can find here. And Tom's post is also a great resource for this!
Thanks @Emily!

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