iPhone Users Leave NPS Blank | XM Community
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Has anyone noticed that some users with narrow screens, particularly iPhone users, leave NPS questions blank? The survey in question is using the Qualtrics XM theme.

Currently, about 7.4% of respondents have left our NPS question blank. 50% of those respondents were using an iPhone, and the other half appear to be using very narrow desktop browsers. About 40% of these respondents are college students, so it's fair to say they're a younger demographic who I'd expect to be familiar with navigating mobile websites.

Here's what the NPS question looks like on mobile:


Not all mobile users are experiencing this problem, and when I've tested the survey on multiple devices with the same characteristics I've been able to select a response without issue. Respondents also always answer several questions following NPS, so the problem can't be survey abandonment. I'm assuming that they find the scale to be confusing, and are simply skipping over it.

Has anyone else noticed this behavior with NPS on mobile platforms? Do you have any suggestions for improving the response rate for this question on mobile devices?
You could check "Force Response"
Fair suggestion. I had considered turning on "Request response" when the survey was initially created, however I decided to avoid it for the sake of UX. I'd rather fix the obvious UX issue rather than add another complication for someone who's already confused.

We don't know the reason they are skipping the question, so I can only guess at what might be done about the UX. Two suggestions:

1. Add some instructions to the question text like "_(Please select from 0 through 10 below)_"

2. Use CSS to add solid white left/right borders to make the buttons look separate from one another.

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