Is block randomization option allowed to use in Research Essential Account? | XM Community
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Hello everyone,

I am a newbie in Qualtrics. I have been exploring the free account for some time and found actually I can use most of the options as I needed (Question randomizer, block randomization, branch logic). As I need to collect data from more than 100 respondents, I understand I have to upgrade now.

What I am getting confused about is- Under the different accounts' features I can see _Research Essential ($1500/year)_ provides access to the feature of -Randomization, whereas_ CoreXM-3 ($5000/year)_ provides access to- Block Randomization and Advanced Survey logic.

I need to use Block randomization and branch logic for my experimental scenario study. Does that mean I have to have a CoreXM-3 account for that?

I am just a student and CoreXM is impossible for me to subscribe. However, if with Research Essential account I cannot use the options, for example, provided in the screenshot, it is useless for me to subscribe at all I think.

If anyone knows about this, it would be very kind of you to have your valuable insight into this issue.


Trial account have some limitations which you can see here
Thank you Rock! I understand the limitations of the Trial account. My question is regarding the Research Essential account actually.
Hi @Tushti it's probably best to confirm with the sales team (easy to reach by phone), but I think the Research Essential includes only randomization _within a question_. That is, you can randomize the response options. If you want block randomization, it sounds like you'd need the more advanced account. If you're a student, you should also double check with your school to see if they have an account. They may be able to add you as a user for free.

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