Longitudinal Study: How do I use response information from 1 survey for the logic of another survey? | XM Community
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I am currently planning a 9-week long study with daily and weekly questionnaires. The questions displayed in the daily questionnaire shall be dependent on the answer to a question in the weekly questionnaire. I first tried to make this work through embedded data but failed to understand how to save embedded data to a contact list in order to then use it for branch/display logic in another survey later on. I have also tried to create separate surveys (one for each version participants could potentially be directed to depending on their choice in the weekly questionnaire) and thought I could use the survey director to define which survey shall be shown when but that hasn't worked either. My participants will have a participant ID that they will enter at the beginning of each survey and I am also sending the surveys via a contact list so I'm hoping I can somehow make Qualtrics connect the information from the different surveys?

Has anyone got a solution to this problem? Many thanks in advance!
I think the contact list trigger is what you're looking for here to set your embedded data from the weekly survey to the contact to be used later in your daily surveys. Here is a link to the documentation:


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