Maths in Qualtrics | XM Community
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Hello all,

I am having the following problem (please bear with me as I am still relatively new to Qualtrics!):

I am creating a survey, that is actually a sort of calculator. As you answer the questions it eventually draws up a kind of receipt, estimating a cost. There are two variables at play: one question is various time-slots e.g 15-30 mins , 30-45 mins, 45-60 mins which have all been attributed a score. I would like to multiply that by the answer to another question. I have attached a screenshot below of the embedded data I created.

Many thanks for your help, and if you have any tips for maths in Qualtrics I would greatly appreciate them.

Seems like you are multiplying question text with your score. You have to multiply answer text with the score.

So pipe answer choice instead of the question text
If your value is coming from text entry question it will looks like

You are using the wrong field for the answer to your other question. q://QID11/QuestionText is your question text. It should be q://QID11/ChoiceTextEntryValue.

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