Missing data on the crosstabs | XM Community
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Hello there,

Recently i am doing some work by using cross tabs. But i found out that my recorded data are missing apart from the data i have been collected.

The number is wrong and the analysis is also wrong, based on the missing data.

I wonder why is that happened and how can i make it back? Therefore, i am here to search some help. Thank you, i appreciated.

Below are the print screen of the weird thing that i found out.


The total number of the survey is 303, but the number shown after the cross tabs operation become 260, why is that?

Thank you to whoever give advice.
I believe it is saying that 260 of the 303 people that took your survey answered the "How you consume eSports and video games?" question.

The others could be people that skipped that question, didn't answer that question, or partial completes that never got to that question.
Thank you TomG for your reply,

So do you mean that i would never know their answer even if i send the survey to them again and ask them to fulfill the question?

if that happen, i think that i can only eliminate these group of people from my research, or is there any solution to make compensation?

thank you again

I can't really answer without knowing more about your survey logic, survey options, invites, respondents, etc. Maybe you could send them retake links, but that is only a guess.
Have you checked wether this question is ASK ALL or is there any filter on this question.

If there is some filter on this question base can be less than total number of completes.
@TomG ,

Oh sorry, i did not make my statement clear. what i mean is, i do found out that some of my responses were not being answered. So, if i could successfully ask the respondents to retake the survey, would the system fix that error itself, or i should just abandon these unfulfilled questionaires?

thank you.

@bansalpeeyush29 ,

i am afraid that i have checked the filter and there is nothing wrong with this, but still, i am very appreciated for your precious opinion.

I don't know anything about your respondent audience, so I don't know how likely it would be that they would retake the survey. Presuming you adjust your logic so people don't skip that question, you would want to send them a retake link that deletes their current response and replaces it with a new response. When they use the retake link their previous answers would already be selected.

It would be a fairly laborious task to get the retake links. You can go to your responses and filter them for people who didn't answer the question, then get a retake link for each one and copy it. Or you could download the responses then build a spreadsheet formula to build the links for you.
One solution is this program a fresh retake survey with this question that was skipped accidently. Make sure to make this mandatory that is force response this time. You can add some description that we forgot to ask one question , please fill this small survey.

Send this survey link to those who skipped earlier.

Once data is collected, merge your main and retake surrvay data.
Hello @Hellowfolks ,

One quick check, could you please download the data collected and see if actually there is a missing data in Qualtrics or is it just not getting correctly reflected in Cross-Tabulations?

Simplest way is to download the entire data, create a pivot to see if the data is coming correct.

Please let me know your findings on this aspect.


@TomG @bansalpeeyush29 @Swanand_Chavan_Ugam

thank you all for the help, I successfully ask the respondents to retake these questions, as i add a final question for them to fill their email; therefore, some responds are ready give me feedback. the system does run normal and solve the problem.

thank you again for the help

Glad that the query was resolved @Hellowfolks



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