Multiple Choice Question with comment field below. | XM Community
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I want to ask this type of question:

"Ask 4 people the following question and note how many said "yes" - Did you receive a badge upon arrival?"

1 2 3 4 (Multiple Choice format)

____________________ (Optional Comment Field)

How do I do this?
Have you considered just adding a second question (text entry) on the same page with the question text as "Comments"?
create multi select question with 5 answer options , first four will be 1 to 4 and in 5th write Any other comment and put text entry in front of it.
bansalpeeyush29 - Thanks, but I can't seem to also remove the multiple choice button.
in that case make one multi select question with 4 options and add another open text question within same page as any other comment. I hope it will work.

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