Populating response data from an Excel file | XM Community
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I would like the users of a survey to populate survey response data from an Excel file. Is this possible? If not, can a field within a survey be populated using javascript or jQuery? I know a file can be uploaded to a survey, but I want the data within the uploaded file to automatically populate the response data. Please provide an example on how this can be done. Thanks!
You can do this by uploading csv in legacy or you can use API web service or postman to upload file.
This does not allow the user of the survey to directly upload the survey responses.
The uploaded file will still need to be imported into the survey responses. Is there a way that the user can perform this process?
I don't think a user can do this at real time, you have to do it as a bulk upload
@kpyles Unfortunately respondents can't upload data using a csv by default. Though you couldf have them upload a csv for a different study and use the api to make calls to upload this data. That is probably the best you can do. And it would require quite a bit of setup at that.

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