possible to download data WITHOUT the associated questions? | XM Community
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I hope this is the right place to ask this.

I'm struggling to begin analyzing data from a survey written with lots of commas inside the survey questions. So upon opening the CSV file, the data gets chopped-up and mixed into columns incorrectly due to these commas inside the questions.

Is it possible to download only the data, with question numbers, but without the text of the questions? I've searched the options in Qualtrics and cannot find anything similar to what I need. I've also searched the community and cannot find this question having been asked before.


Thank you,

One thing you can do is edit the question label. This way the header isn't the long question language will all the commas. Below is an image showing how to do this.

Thank you, AKDashboard, I'll see if I can figure out how to edit the question labels. I hope that will solve it.

Is there no other way to selectively control output in downloads?
Short answer, not that I know of.

If you don't want to go through and relabel all your questions, you can also choose to export as a TSV (tab separated values). Then you can import that in to excel and deliminate by tab instead of comma.

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