Randomisation of question blocks, but still have numbering order of trials (1, 2, 3 etc.) | XM Community
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I will do my best to explain my current situation, but please let me know if I need to clarify anything.

I am looking to randomise my question blocks (as each block contains all of the parts of a single trial), but I am in need of a way that participants can see what trial they are on, without using a progress bar. However (and more importantly), the trial numbers should not be randomised, and always go from Trial 1 - 10 (for example) regardless of the order the randomiser places the questions.
So for example, if I were to simply manually label each primary segment of the question block = Trial 1 of 10 (and so on), the randomiser will result in this messing up the order: Trial 1 of 10 --> Trial 6 of 10 --> Trial 10 of 10 --> Trial 3 of 10 and so on, until all 10 trials have been shown. I need a way (whether this be embedded data or JS) that I can ensure that despite the question blocks are randomised, it will always start at Trial 1 of 10 and continue until Trial 10 of 10.
Essentially - randomise questions but not randomise question numbers.
This may not be possible, but was wondering if anyone had any ideas.
Thank you in advance.

All the best,

Create embedded data (counter) with value set as 0. So under randomizer, there will be 10 group. Each group will have a embedded data and a block. The embedded data will have math operation -> counter = counter + 1.
So the idea is to increment the counter before entering the block. Pipe this embedded before every question to show the current trial.

Create embedded data (counter) with value set as 0. So under randomizer, there will be 10 group. Each group will have a embedded data and a block. The embedded data will have math operation -> counter = counter + 1.
So the idea is to increment the counter before entering the block. Pipe this embedded before every question to show the current trial.

Hi, could you explain the details of “will have” (Does this math operation have to be written somewhere? If so, where?) and “pipe” here? (Duplicate under each randomized element?) Thanks

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