Report Aggregate Data | XM Community
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I have a survey with multiple blocks that I would like to aggregate. In other words, I need to show total results for sets of questions instead of individual results. The questions are binary Yes/No type. Is there a way of doing this?
Do all these questions are same ? Is there anything that differentiate these questions. For example say you have these 5 questions for 5 different brands than you have to put brands in columns and yes, no in the rows
The questions are statements regarding different work areas (financial compensation, incentives, workload, etc.). People answer yes if they think the statement is true. The goal is to have a report that shows total and average for each area. I think I can handle it with a matrix kind of question, or by creating an extra column with a calculated field, but I was wondering if there was a way of achieving this in the reports section.
I don't think Reports is sophisticated enough for that. You might need Vocalize, or to use some other sort of dash boarding tool if you need live access. That is the sort of task I always do through export.
Kate is right better use Qualtrics vocalize or export SPSS file or excel and run crosstabs and present. For Qualtrics report you have to create extra embedded variables
Even embedded data- in the Reports tab the best you could do is get a table showing the break down of the number of times an average occurred. It won't then average them all together for you.

Smart concept to do that in the Embedded data though- that will make processing that info in SPSS a little easier if you take the time to set that up now.
I agree that exporting the data would be the easiest way of achieving this, but for this particular customer, we need to be able to provide a scheduled report with the aggregated report. My solution so far seems to be to use question scoring, then creating score categories that will be presented as a separate column, and build the report based on those columns. It gives me basic stats per category, which I think will make the trick. Thanks for your ideas!
@ymichea In my experience, Scoring isn't sophisticated enough to do that either. I've tried to do something similar and get a live ACSI score from 3 questions into 1 average. If you figure it out- kindly post to share the details!
This is an example of the kind of survey I was thinking of. Dummy questions and 2 blocks I will be aggregating:

The report with the aggregated data looks like this (it has more stats than what I need, but I left it for demonstration purpose):

The way I achieved this is by creating two scoring categories (Veggies and Other Food), and assigning the individual questions to each category. I also gave a score of 1 to Yes and 0 to No. The Scoring adds the values and gives me a total for each survey response. For my use case this is good enough, as people looking at the report need to know what is the average score per category for their group of survey takers.

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