Single response report - can you add descriptive text questions to report? | XM Community
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I have a department that wants to create a single response report for their survey respondents, but also want the final descriptive text question to be included in the report. Is there a way to do this? I'm not finding any customization options for it.
My guess this that you want this included in the response report included in the email trigger? Out-of-the box, no. But frankly, I don't like the response report as it exists anyway.

If anything, I'd do this by customizing an email and using Pipe Text to insert the question and answer (though in this case, it would just be the question text). Doing it this way allows for more customization in formatting.
@Akdashboard , that's what I ended up recommending to them as well, after mulling it over a little more. 🙂 I think they'd like something customized, but they were content with the customized email. Thanks!
Another thing you can do is redirect to a web script that creates a response report. You can either pass piped parameters in the url (if you don't have too many) or have the script use the Qualtrics API to grab the response data and create the report.
@TomG said:

> Another thing you can do is redirect to a web script that creates a response report. You can either pass piped parameters in the url (if you don't have too many) or have the script use the Qualtrics API to grab the response data and create the report.

Would you be able to explain how that would work? I don't have a lot of experience using the Qualtrics API or Web Service block. Truthfully, I don't understand it that well.
For some reason, I wasn't able to post my full response to @Akdashboard due to an Access Denied error, so I sent it to him separately. The synopsis was:

1. You would use an end-of-survey redirect for this, not a web service block

2. You have to create a web based script in a language such as php that creates the report using data from Qualtrics. The script is where all the magic happens.

3. You can pipe data into the Qualtrics redirect url. If you are sending data directly, you can pipe question answers or embedded variables. If you are using the API you would pipe SurveyID and ResponseID then have the script call the API to retrieve the data.
@TomG thank you for your helpful answers here. I am working on a similar project (single response report after survey) and have two related questions. Maybe it is best to answer them here.

My goal is to send respondent data to an R Shiny app and show some descriptive statistics of their answers. I currently use URL parameters for that. My two questions are:

1. Is there a way to obfuscate/encode the URL parameters so users cannot manipulate them easily?

2. I tried downloading the data through the Qualtrics API. However, my tests showed that it can take minutes before a new answer becomes available through the API. So for an immediate response report, this doesn't seem to work. Or am I missing something here?
> @NiklasH said:

> My two questions are:

> 1. Is there a way to obfuscate/encode the URL parameters so users cannot manipulate them easily?

> 2. I tried downloading the data through the Qualtrics API. However, my tests showed that it can take minutes before a new answer becomes available through the API. So for an immediate response report, this doesn't seem to work. Or am I missing something here?

1. Not easily. You could call a web service from your survey flow near the end of the survey that encrypts your parms then decrypt them in the script you redirect to.

2. Use API v2.5 instead of v3 to get the response data. It is much faster and straight forward. There is still a slight risk it could time out, but in my experience it is pretty rare (about 0.05%).

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