So, I want to make my custom error message "look good" - it seems I'm very limited | XM Community
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related to an earlier question, I plan to use a customized error message - but it seems very restrictive. No rich content editor (like other messages), no images, no tables, etc. I tried creating a General message and hoped I could choose it for the error message...but alas, nope. I have to use a "validation message" which is highly restrictive.

Another solution could be if in a multiple choice question I could show a different error (validation) message for each choice made. It seems that I only get one message per question rather than per choice.

Any help will be appreciated.
You can include html tags in a validation message so you can make it look however you want. For example, if I wanted a right aligned validation message it would look like:


<div style="text-align:right">This is a right aligned validation message.</div>

Thanks TomG, do you know which HTML tags are allowed?
I don’t know if there are any restrictions or what they are.
Thanks. I'll try using html...and see if any of the coding doesn't work


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