Subsequent questions | XM Community
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Hi all,

I am currently working on my master thesis survey and I am a bit stuck on the beginning phase. In short, the survey is about the perception of the respondent with a company brand.

The survey starts with an opening question where the respondent has to select the company brand which he or she is the most familiar with. All the subsequent questions will be based on that brand. However, all the questions for all the brands are exactly the same. I only want that in the question ''company X'' is replaced by the company brand of choice by the respondent.

E.g. How satisfied are you with the communication channels provided by company X based on the following attributes?

So in other words, all the questions are the same I only want the company x to correspond to the answer that the respondent gives in the opening question.

My question now is: what is the best and easiest method to do this, also in a way I can analyse my data the easiest when the respondents are in.
Hello @Thenotorious ,

We can Piped Text the answer of first Question in the Question Text of other Question.

So your Question Text will appear like - How satisfied are you with the communication channels provided by ${q://QID1/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices} based on the following attributes?
@Shashi Thanks a lot, thats a much better way than the display logic method I used before 🙂

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