Uploading a survey with display logic | XM Community
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Hi all, I am working on using a file to load my survey questions since there are many questions (and paths that could be followed)

Is there a way to include display logic or branching logic in an uploaded file so that I do not have to build it one by one every time and can build templates?
Not unless it was already built in Qualtrics, and you're using the .qsf file type.


If the issue is that it is the same basic survey that needs to be altered slightly, you could always save the base as .qsf for easy upload. Alternatively, keep a basic version of the survey that you can copy and pase or upload from the library.
Hi Kate --

Thank you for your response. The only issue is that I had previously built a "basic survey" that had a block with all of the questions with the display logic for the block as templates (where I could just plug in small changes) as you indicated, however when I copied/imported the block from the "template version of the survey" the display logic never came along with it.
Copy and paste the whole project from the Platform home:


If you're using the library, you need to be careful to move the whole survey into the "survey" portion of your library. If you upload only questions or blocks, it won't move the survey flow over.

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