Using the same graphic in multiple questions | XM Community

Using the same graphic in multiple questions

  • 23 February 2021
  • 1 reply


Hello, I have created a survey in which participants have to answer questions about images. Each question should appear on a separate page, and the image should be always present on the screen. Inserting the same image for each questions drastically increases the size of the survey, which results in the survey crashing, whereby I had to divide my experiment into several surveys, which is not ideal. So I would like to know: is there a way to reference the same graphic across multiple questions, without having to upload it again? And what is the maximum number of images that the survey can handle?

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

I haven't experienced survey crashing and ideally it shouldn't happen because Qualtrics only loads one page at a time. So even if your survey has 1000 pages, for the respondent, the browser only loads one page, after they click next, the next page loads.
However, you could face issues during survey editing if the survey is too long. For this, you could look at Collapse Questions in the block options. May reduce the things your browser is holding in memory.
You also do not need to upload the image again and again, just save it in your graphics library and refer to it everytime you need to. Theoretically this would limit the number of images to the number of questions allowed, which I think is unlimited.
Lasly, your situation seems ideal for a loop and merge question. Where you need to ask different questions about the same thing. Look up the support pages of how to set it up.

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