Why does Qualtrics require that I include an opt-out link in all of my email distributions? | XM Community
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Why does Qualtrics require that I include an opt-out link in all of my email distributions?
Yo Dax,

The opt-out link is required to comply with best emailing practices. However, you can edit the text in the opt-out link to something other than 'Click here to unsubscribe.' For example, you could change it to ${l://OptOutLink?d=I'm done playing Fetch. Please stop throwing the ball.}

For more info: https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/distributions-module/email-distribution/emails/emails-overview/#UsingTheOptOutLink
> @JasonHill said:

> Yo Dax,


> The opt-out link is required to comply with best emailing practices. However, you can edit the text in the opt-out link to something other than 'Click here to unsubscribe.' For example, you could change it to ${l://OptOutLink?d=I'm done playing Fetch. Please stop throwing the ball.}


> For more info: https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/distributions-module/email-distribution/emails/emails-overview/#UsingTheOptOutLink

It is also required by law that emails sent via a mailing list include a simple way to opt out of receiving future emails.


This requirement is very inconvenient to me. I work at an academic institution and never send commercial emails, which is what the law applies to. I don't want to include an opt-out because someone's going to click it and will be removed from the contact list and not get future emails and reminders. There's a link there to get back onto the list, but it's not perfectly clear what they did or if they should click the link; it says "removed from this panel" and "rejoin this panel," which is unclear. ("What panel?")
Hi @TedBabcock! Please see this link for details on the Opt Out link requirement and the few exceptions that we are able to make to this rule.

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