Any ideas on how to get a total average? | XM Community
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Any ideas on how to get a total average?

  • July 26, 2022
  • 1 reply


Hi Qualtrics community,
I need to be able to work out an overall compliance score for data submitted over a period of time. I have some piped text coding in place that is showing a compliance score for each individual response ( Yes responses score 100%, No responses score 0% and N/A are null) but I wondered if there was any way of getting it to add all of those up and dividing it by the number of responses to produce an overall compliance score? and for the period I'm looking at?

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Level 5 ●●●●●
  • Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 406 replies
  • July 26, 2022

Hi Colwilldo we have used scoring in this way in one case. What we did was rescore the values as to be worth their "average" value. Meaning, if you have a 5 point scale, rather than being worth 1,2,3,4,5, or all being worth 1 point to simply indicate "a response" or just one having a value to represent "correct response" -- we made the scoring worth (a fractional value based on the number of questions, all of which were required).
In the end, then, the "total" score -- which is always simple addition -- added up to the average value.
The tricky part of this, besides having to math every single score entry -- is that if a question is added or deleted, the entire scoring has to be redone. (Solution is not optimal in that way. But it worked for us in a pinch.)
Alternatively you could use standard scoring and then apply a math function based on the number of questions. Of course in all cases this is easiest if the number of questions will be fixed / is not a separate calculation you have to count up.