How to avoid SSO authentication via Personal Link | XM Community
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How to avoid SSO authentication via Personal Link


Hi Experts,

We are building the Exit Feedback survey in our instance and we have SSO enabled in our instance. We are trying to send survey invites automatically. When testing this, we observed that when the participant tries to click the link in the email, it asks for SSO authentication.


But we want the survey link to take the customer directly to the survey page instead of the SSO authentication. 


We observed this behavior after configuring SSO. How to bypass this SSO authentication on a survey link as we cannot grant SSO to every other person.


Please let me know how to handle this.




6 replies

QPN Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • QPN Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • 589 replies
  • December 7, 2023

I have some confusions with your query. Based on my observation I’m giving below couple of solutions.

  1. if you want to bypass SSO authentication for all respondents. So, drag/move out the complete survey from Authenticator setup and delete the Authenticator setup from survey flow.
  2. if you want to bypass SSO authentication for Unique link only and anonymous link based respondent will see the authentication. In that case you can duplicate the complete survey flow and keep first copy outside the authenticator and second copy under SSO authenticator setup. you can apply condition on first part as per sample file information. So all meta data and sample file information will be recorded at the time of click on unique link. So if respondent will com via unique link so he will qualify for survey without authenticator and redirected to complete page at the end before authenticator setup. If respondent will come via anonymous link, then first copy will be skipped and SSO authentication will appear to enter the key for proceeding further.


Try this and test it properly before going for launch.

QPN Level 4 ●●●●
  • QPN Level 4 ●●●●
  • 37 replies
  • December 7, 2023

Hi @BalajiNudurupati ,

If you are distributing the survey via email distribution then you can add a branch logic above the Authenticator saying If “Q_URL does not contain Q_CHL” and the add the authenticator below the logic. This would allow the respondents taking the survey via email link to bypass the Authenticator.


Hi @Naman_Savla : Currently, in my survey, I have the flow as below

If employee uses iPad, then the branch is different

If employee uses personal link, then the branch is different.

And in each of these branches, we have authenticator as Person ID.

But when I send an invite to participant, it asks for SSO credentials. This is what I want to bypass and make the participant directly go to the survey.

In your reply, I understand that I need to add some logic. But can you suggest what exactly the logic and where it has to be added?

Please let me know.


Hi @ArunDubey :

Thank you for the reply.

We cannot use Option 1 as we need authenticator as Employee ID.

But for Option 2, we already have two branches.

One for anonymous link and other for unique link. In both these branches, the authenticator is Person ID and not SSO.

But when I trigger an invite to the participant, it is asking for SSO credentials. This is what, I want to bypass and the participant should be taken directly to the survey.

Hope this clarifies my question. Appreciate any help on this.

QPN Level 4 ●●●●
  • QPN Level 4 ●●●●
  • 37 replies
  • December 13, 2023

Hi @BalajiNudurupati , Could you let me know that for which users do you want the Authenticator to bypass? Is it for respondents who use IPAD or responses who use personal link.


QPN Level 4 ●●●●
  • QPN Level 4 ●●●●
  • 37 replies
  • December 13, 2023

@BalajiNudurupati” - This is how an email invite looks. This has a field as Q_CHL which you can use as the logic to bypass the Authenticator. So you need to find some identifier through which you can bypass the Authenticator.

And for the above example the below method you can use


This example would only work if the other who are taking the survey using anonymous link then for them they would need Authenticator. In the branch logic you can add other logic with an identifier field through which you can bypass those particular respondents.

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