how to increase width of survey interface and modify the width of statements in Matrix Table format? | XM Community
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how to increase width of survey interface and modify the width of statements in Matrix Table format?

  • December 15, 2020
  • 7 replies

Dear Qualtrics Community,
I'm a bit new to Qualtrics and I believe I may need some custom code to make certain features work. I currently use matrix table where the statements on the left are essentially my survey questions and respondents are asked to answer them in the form of the drop down box located to the right of each question. The challenges that I have is that because the default width of qualrics survey seems very narrow (it looks like it can hold up to about 14 words per line), my survey questions are squished to the left and look cluttered because some questions take up to 5 lines. My main questions are as follows:
(1) How do I widen the survey window in general so that I can fit more words into one line, and therefore, make the survey look not as long? (2) How do I have control over the width of these statements? Is there a way to specify that for each question, I only want 3 lines maximum so that the entire page does not look so cluttered?
If you could show me the code or any way of getting around it, I'd greatly appreciate it. And if there's a code required, would you also kindly tell me where to insert it?
Thank you so much for any insights you can provide.

Best answer by ahmedA

Your problem is not an uncommon one, and searching on this forum will show you many different workaround. You may have to look at different options depending on theme your survey is using. Below are three general solution that usually tend to do the job.
The first step would be to manually resize the width of the question, take your mouse pointer to the line highlighted below and you can drag it to change the width.
image.pngThe next step would be assigning a font size to each statement. For matrix style questions, I prefer the

measure, where the size of the font is the percent of
this allows for consistency across screens. But at times it has made life more difficult. There are also other units, which you can find here.
If these aren't enough, the next step would be to look at CSS.
The following two lines of CSS can either go in the
Look and Feel -> Style -> Custom CSS 
section, or within the style tags of your question. In either case, the result will the same, with the difference being that in the former case, it will be applicable throughout the survey, but in case of the later, only on the page.
What these do is widen the question container and allow the matrix question to take up this full width.
.Skin, .SkinInner {width:100% !important;}
.Skin .QuestionOuter.Matrix{ max-width: 100%; }
However, please be aware that using the CSS option may impact how the question appears on devices with different resolutions (ex phone vs computer). So just make sure you test on both.

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7 replies

  • Level 7 ●●●●●●●
  • 2028 replies
  • Answer
  • December 15, 2020

Your problem is not an uncommon one, and searching on this forum will show you many different workaround. You may have to look at different options depending on theme your survey is using. Below are three general solution that usually tend to do the job.
The first step would be to manually resize the width of the question, take your mouse pointer to the line highlighted below and you can drag it to change the width.
image.pngThe next step would be assigning a font size to each statement. For matrix style questions, I prefer the

measure, where the size of the font is the percent of
this allows for consistency across screens. But at times it has made life more difficult. There are also other units, which you can find here.
If these aren't enough, the next step would be to look at CSS.
The following two lines of CSS can either go in the
Look and Feel -> Style -> Custom CSS 
section, or within the style tags of your question. In either case, the result will the same, with the difference being that in the former case, it will be applicable throughout the survey, but in case of the later, only on the page.
What these do is widen the question container and allow the matrix question to take up this full width.
.Skin, .SkinInner {width:100% !important;}
.Skin .QuestionOuter.Matrix{ max-width: 100%; }
However, please be aware that using the CSS option may impact how the question appears on devices with different resolutions (ex phone vs computer). So just make sure you test on both.

  • Author
  • 2 replies
  • December 15, 2020

Dear ahmedA,
Thank you so much for your helpful response and for your time. I had searched previously on the forum many times, and I had tried to apply some of the proposed codes and the resulting formats were very bizarre, which made me think that either I didn't fully understand the solution or I did not apply the code correctly.
Thank you again for your help. I will try your solutions next!


  • Level 7 ●●●●●●●
  • 2028 replies
  • December 16, 2020

Yes I can completely understand you situation. Some solutions are old, and they do not work with the new themes. At other times there are conflicts with organization level themes. Styling is always an issue.
Hope these work for you.

Hi ahmedA,
Is there a way to implement this solution for matrix width for only some, but not all, matrix questions in my survey?

  • Level 7 ●●●●●●●
  • 2028 replies
  • March 11, 2021

. In either case, the result will the same, with the difference being that in the former case, it will be applicable throughout the survey, but in case of the later, only on the page.

I currently only know how to input custom CSS in the Look & Feel tab. Are you saying there's a way to input CSS for a particular block?

  • Level 7 ●●●●●●●
  • 2028 replies
  • March 11, 2021

yes, as mentioned earlier, put it in style tags inside the question HTML. Between these two:

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