Hello Everyone,
I am trying to pull/fetch data (Full Name & Email) of my survey's applicants in a custom-made question(attached PNG file), which I have developed using html, css, and javascript on the Qualtrics platform.
In this question, I let the users type some characters of either their full name or their email and I autofill/autocomplete for them the rest information of the field that they edit as well as the corresponding value of the other field. For the moment, I have initialized a variable called 'data', where I provide-hardcode the parameters/values for these two fields (Full name and Email) and based on these values I do the auto-completion for the users (For more information check the code in the attached file).
Ideally, I am looking for a solution/suggestion from you, on how I can pull/fetch the needed information(Full name and email of the users) from an (external) source ( e.g. Excel-CSV file, Qualtrics contact list, embedded data field, etc.) to my custom "Autocompletion" question.
Thank you very much in advance.