API transfer library & contact lists | XM Community
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API transfer library & contact lists


Hi, we’re automating deleting inactive users / users that have left my organization. I’ve made an “archive” user to transfer data to in case it’s needed in the future. Question at bottom, if you want to skip ahead. So far, I can:

  • Via the API:
    • Get a list of users and each user’s basic information
    • Delete a user
    • Given a survey ID, get information about that survey
    • Theoretically, given a survey ID, get all responses for that survey - but I don’t have this working.  It looks like this can be done via the admin console - I’m downloading the report now.
    • Given a user’s API key - which not all users have - get a list of all that user’s surveys and surveys they’re collaborating on- limited to the first 100 surveys
  • Via the admin console only:
    • Transfer surveys to my archive user (this is awful; there are so many)
    • Hopefully download a list of all surveys? Which you cannot do via the API without iterating through all users. This has been running for hours… I found two ways and am waiting for an export (legacy report, which hopefully lists all owners and never goes away, and Activity)

QUESTION: What I cannot figure out how to do is get a list of the user’s saved messages or saved contact lists and then transfer them, preferably in bulk. Does anyone know, either via the admin console or preferably API?

Also… am I missing anything to transfer before deleting a user?

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