How to randomize positive and negative statements? | XM Community
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How to randomize positive and negative statements?

  • September 7, 2021
  • 2 replies

Hi all, I'm trying to randomize whether users see the positive or negative "version" of a statement with an attached Likert scale. Is this possible within Qualtrics?
I have a list of statements that have both positive/endorsing and negative/hesitating versions; for example, "Using OERs would enhance my students' learning" versus "Using OERs would detract from my students' learning", or "OERs provide reliable sources of information" versus "OERs contain content and factual errors". Think of my set of statements as [1[p,n], 2[p,n], 3[p,n], ...] each statement "topic" has a positive and negative version.
I want users to respond to the all of statement topics, responding to either the negative or positive version of each statement, and randomize the order of statements AND whether each individual statement is the positive or negative version.
Then, I want to be able to directly compare responses to each statement as such:
If someone answers "strongly agree" to the positive version of a statement, I want that to have the same "value" as someone answering "strongly disagree" to the negative version of that statement. That is, someone who Strongly Agrees to the statement "OERs are professional and well-edited" has the same perspective as someone who Strongly Disagrees with the statement "OERs are riddled with spelling and grammatical errors".

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

2 replies

  • Level 2 ●●
  • 42 replies
  • September 13, 2021

wren Are you using the matrix question type?

  • Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 543 replies
  • September 13, 2021

This type of randomization is totally possible. Simply create the questions and utilize some combination of the below functions:

  1. Question randomization on a block-

  2. Statement randomization on matrix tables-

  3. Block randomization-

Unless there is something in particular you are trying to do and aren't having success with?

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