Form to have multiple retakes and store new responses | XM Community
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Form to have multiple retakes and store new responses

QPN Level 1 ●

Hi, I'm a newbie and trying to figure out how to or what form to use when I need to create a survey where it's possible to retake the survey and save the new responses (not override the old ones), but still use the same link I initially sent to the participants.
As a short background, I'm using Qualtrics for a different way to gather information from specific managers on what their hiring needs are, which usually changes and they have to input again, and I have to store those and keep the old ones.
I tried using Lifecycle, because of the authenticator and being able to validate Participant information. But I'm stuck in allowing multiple retakes, because I need to have an anonymous link, which I'm thinking is a link where they can just bookmark on their browsers when they have to return back to it.
I'm looking at other posts in the community, if I can use Multiple Completes in Email Survey Invitations, I need to use Survey, but I can't upload participants to have an authenticator.

Appreciate the help!

8 replies

Level 3 ●●●
  • Level 3 ●●●
  • 119 replies
  • July 25, 2022

Do you need to be able to link each individuals' responses? E.g., if Person A took the survey 3 times, do you need to know exactly which 3 responses belong to Person A?
If you DO NOT need to know exactly which person provided each survey response, then the anonymous link is a great option. Make sure you go into your Survey Options and turn off the "Prevent Multiple Submissions" setting so they can take the survey more than once.
If you DO want to track exactly who said what, then you'll want to add some more information to that link. There are a few ways to do that. But I'd probably suggest adding embedded data to an anonymous link. A few points on that method:

  • In your Survey Flow, you'll add a new element of embedded data. Call the field something like "user." You'll be defining the field in your survey distribution URL, so don't set a value for it in your Survey Flow.

  • Get your anonymous link from the Distributions tab. Tack on
    to the end of it. That XXX would be replaced with the actual value, unique to each respondent. If you want to tack on multiple fields, like "user" and "department", then you'd add

  • Make sure whatever you add to your URL is exactly matched in your Survey Flow. You shouldn't write "department" in your Survey Flow and "dept" in your distribution link.

  • An easy way to fill out the "XXX" and "YYY" for each of your users is to create an Excel spreadsheet. Here's a quick example where my user ID is in Column A and department in Column B. I put a formula in Column C to create a unique link for each row. You could even use cell references for the column headings and field names, if you wanted to.

  • You can find more information about embedded data on this support page

image.pngIt'd be pretty easy to add a new person to this list, if you ever needed to do that - you'd just add their information to a new row and drag your formula down to get their unique link.
You could also set some logic in your survey flow to automatically screen out (not record a response for) any respondent that does NOT have a value set for those embedded data fields.

Alternatively, you might decide to send out the survey via an Email within Qualtrics. In the Distributions tab, select "Email." Again, you'll need to have your contact list uploaded to Qualtrics. When you're composing your email, be sure to click on "Show Advanced Options," and change the link type to "Multiple completes." Here's a support page with more information.
You don't want to use the "Personal links" feature within the Distributions tab, because those can only be once.
Again - no matter what you do, you'll want to make sure you've turned off "Prevent multiple submissions" in your Survey Options.

QPN Level 1 ●
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  • QPN Level 1 ●
  • 19 replies
  • July 26, 2022! Appreciate the lengthy response. By reading all that, that means I have to do this as in a Survey (blank project), instead of Lifecycle form?
The participants need to be updated also based on newly hired hiring managers, they need to be able to access the survey also.

Level 3 ●●●
  • Level 3 ●●●
  • 119 replies
  • July 26, 2022

Nogstai Oh, sure, I think you can also do it with Lifecycle. Here's a support page about multiple responses in Lifecycle, specifically. Same idea - you're going into Survey Options and allowing multiple responses.

QPN Level 1 ●
  • Author
  • QPN Level 1 ●
  • 19 replies
  • August 2, 2022

lizb311 unfortunately, I tried this and there are still restrictions from what I need.
Here are the requirements for my form:
1.) Needs authenticator - coming from the participant list metadata before one takes the survey
2.) Participant list needs to be updated - Imported from the Global Directory, participants need to be updated because new users will be coming in, can be done through participant automation
3.) Allow multiple responses - multiple responses from one user will be saved
When I tried Lifecycle, I was able to do #1 and #2. I was unable to do #3. When we tested to finish, when trying to retake, I get the survey completed message and a retake link. The Survey Retakes was activated.
When I tried Survey, I was only able to do #3. There are no participant info, only distribution. I was not able to add an authenticator, and new users are not known except from our Oracle db.

Level 3 ●●●
  • Level 3 ●●●
  • 119 replies
  • August 2, 2022

Nogstai are you trying to allow survey retakes or multiple responses? You can't do both at the same time in Lifecycle.
For multiple responses in Lifecycle - what metadata field did you select when allowing multiple responses? When trying to complete the survey a second time, was your selected metadata field any different from what it was the first time you completed the survey?

QPN Level 1 ●
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  • QPN Level 1 ●
  • 19 replies
  • August 2, 2022

lizb311 ideally, I need to allow multiple responses. I had it disabled because there are no scenarios where any of the metadata changes.
For example, I need to be able to take this survey, and answer it as many times I need because specific scenarios change within the department. But nothing changes in any of my metadata or my information. That is #3.
But I need to be able to do #1 and #2

QPN Level 1 ●
  • Author
  • QPN Level 1 ●
  • 19 replies
  • August 2, 2022

Btw, thank you lizb311 for sticking up with me on this. I really appreciate the help!

Level 3 ●●●
  • Level 3 ●●●
  • 119 replies
  • August 2, 2022

Lol sure, I'm not super familiar with Lifecycle (I don't use it myself), but I definitely want to be able to help! Maybe somebody else with more experience will be able to jump in, too. :)
I think you have to select a metadata field, correct? It won't work if you leave the metadata field blank?
Maybe you can make the metadata field something arbitrary that will change often. Like, today's date or the current time. In that case you'd have to make sure that respondent's contact information is updated daily (which could be cumbersome). They would be able to submit a new response once a day. Not perfect, but it might work.
Keep in mind you can't change the metadata field you select. So if you've already selected one, you will probably need to start from scratch to change it (sorry, I know that's very annoying)

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