🌐 Meet the Qualtrics Team | Product & UX | XM Community Connect Virtual Event | XM Community
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🌐 Meet the Qualtrics Team | Product & UX | XM Community Connect Virtual Event


Meet the Qualtrics Team Banner.jpgMeet the qualtrics team

Featuring: Sabina Alteras-Honig, Ph.D.: Principal UX Researcher, & Pelin Aylangan, Global Leader Product Experience & Customer Advisory Board Programs & Jose Serrano, Product Support

Through XM Community Connect, you can meet the below Qualtrics leaders focusing on engaging with customers to improve our products.
What to expect: You'll learn how our team members use customer feedback to constantly improve our products. Our speakers will discuss ways for you to get involved, provide feedback that could shape the future of our product -- and maybe even a few sneak peaks at what's to come. Additionally, you'll walk away with tips and tricks on how to make the most of Qualtrics products and services.
XM Community Connect is a free series of virtual meetups, exclusively for XM Community members, offering introductions to XM Community power users, the customer-obsessed Qualtrics team, and more! Learn more about the event series here.

Oct 28: Pelin Aylangan: Global Leader, Product Experience & Customer Advisory Board Programs | (Completed)

About Pelin: Pelin transforms teams and processes to deliver sustainable boosts in customer-facing functions. With her analytical mindset, Pelin operates strategically and tactically, focusing on driving continuous improvement. Pelin's expertise includes:
  • Customer Experience

  • Customer Success, Business Intelligence and Analytics

  • Sales Enablement

  • Advisory Services

  • Partnerships & Alliances

Oct 31: Sabina Alteras-Honig, Ph.D.: Principal UX Researcher at Qualtrics | (Completed)

About Sabina: Sabina holds a Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, specializing in human factors, and has 25+ years of professional experience in UX research on software and hardware interfaces. Sabina's expertise includes:
  • Statistical data analysis and interpretation for parametric and non-parametric research

  • UX research – design and execution of lab-based studies and focus groups, field research (ethnography and contextual inquiry), survey design and administration, card sorting, cognitive walkthrough, heuristic analysis

  • End-user requirements and task analysis, documentation, and communication to technical and management teams

  • Initiating, managing, and planning usability efforts

Nov 1: Jose Serrano, Product Specialist | Register here

About Jose: Jose supports Qualtrics customers by troubleshooting issues with customers in real-time, and also uses his interactions with customers as an opportunity to offer just-in-time training and mentoring. As a leader on his team, Jose relishes the opportunity he has daily to drive projects that have an impact on our global customer base. Jose's expertise includes:
  • CX Dashboards

  • Themes

  • Research Core

  • Covid-19 Products

  • Course Evaluations

Jose will also share his favorite top 3 "hacks" to make the most of Qualtrics products!

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