The XM Community is becoming the Qualtrics Experience Community 📣
On or about March 3, 2025, we are soft-launching our new Experience Community. Read the linked post for more information.
Experience Community FAQs
1. What’s changing?
The Qualtrics XM Community is relaunching as the Experience Community, a single destination for both product help, as well as XM thought leadership. The Experience Community will represent the best of two worlds -- Qualtrics product help, custom code solutions, product release notes, and everything else you love about the current XM Community -- but *also* a brand new, thought leadership side of the Community, separate from product help, and dedicated to high-level XM best practices, theory, and more.
Tl;dr: This means our Community will now have two main content pillars: Product content, and thought leadership content.
2. What do you mean by “thought leadership?
Qualtrics’ XM Pros community is joining forces with the XM Community here on this platform. The XM Pros community is a global, free community for XM professionals who want to learn about XM, connect with their peers, and advance both their careers and the XM profession at large. XM Pros Community Leaders and Qualtrics thought leadership experts will be posting thought-provoking and informative questions, topics, and leading events.
3. What about all the current XM Community content that is already here?
Nothing is going away. All content currently on the Community will stay. You will not lose any content, all historical posts currently on the Community are here to stay, as well. We are only adding to the Community, not taking anything away at all.
4. Are you changing platforms?
No. We are remaining on this current Community platform, powered by a third-party provider called Gainsight.
5. Do I need a new login?
If you have historically been part of the XM Community prior to March 3, 2025, then no, you will not need a new login. You will continue to log in via SSO as you always have. No changes there. You will, however, need to request access to the new thought leadership “Leaders Network” part of the Community, and will will help you with that process.
If you are a new member and only joining the the thought leadership side of the the Community, you will also be logging in via Qualtrics SSO. You can create. free Qualtrics account here.
If you are a new member joining after March 3, 2025, then please register either on the Product Forum, or the Leaders Network, depending on your needs. If you think you need access to both parts of the Community, let a Community admin know.
6. Tell me about the Experience Community layout and user experience.
The Experience Community will have one main landing page (the Experience Community homepage). From the new homepage, you will have the option to choose which side (“neighborhood”) of the Community you want to log into:
- The “Product Forum” neighborhood (formerly the XM Community). Log in there using SSO as you always have to find product help.
- The “Leaders Network” is the XM Pros thought leadership neighborhood. Selecting this neighborhood navigation option will take you to the Leaders Network thought leadership neighborhood.
7. What about current Community groups?
All current Community groups are here to stay. Within the Leaders Network, there may be new groups to explore.
8. Are there any changes coming to the Ideas program (Evolve)
The Ideas program (Evolve) is not changing at the moment. There are, however, future plans to make changes to that program based on customer feedback. For now, customers can continue to submit product feedback through the Ideas tab as per usual.
9. What about Rank & Rewards? Will I lose my levels or points?
No one will lose ranks, points, or levels. We do, however, have a new system for Rank and Rewards that launched recently. You can read about it here, Leaders Network community members will also be eligible for Rank & Rewards. For an introduction to Rank & Rewards, please see this post.
10. I have questions and feedback. Where should I post that?
Please comment on this post with questions, feedback, or any issues you encounter. If you prefer, you may also send a DM to Community admins Michael or Alonso.