Today's the incredible 1-year anniversary of the Qualtrics XM Community! 

We are constantly amazed by the efforts of you, our community members, and are continually thankful for the impact you have had on Qualtrics Community. As we look back on the past year, we’d like to reflect on a few of our most impactful and successful initiatives:
* The initiation and continuous upkeep of our 2 Reward Programs: Rank & Reward program and User Referral program
* The announcement of our 8 Community Competitions: Community Challenge: RepellentQ, Community Competition: Common Use Case Page, Community Coding Challenge: The Ultimate Theme, 5 X4 Pass Giveaway Competitions that allowed us to give away one pass per competition for a total of 5 passes to X4, including an all inclusive pass with free flight and hotel accommodations.
* The launch of our 4 Q&A Events with Milind Kopikare, Jamie Morningstar, Sachin Goregaoker and a very special Q&A otherwise known as 10 Days with Jay, where exclusive prizes were awarded to community members who asked Jay Choi their burning questions, including a $1000 Delta Airlines voucher.
In addition to the amazing events and opportunities we have had for our community members thus far, we also reached a few noteworthy milestones within the first year of our existence:
* We have reached nearly 4,800 community members and we are continuing to grow each and every day.
* We have received over 2,600 Questions from our community members.
* We have over 3,600 Accepted Answers, meaning the solution provided on a post helped answer the original question at hand.
We are excited for what's to come in the next year and can't wait to be on this journey with each and every one of you! 😀
-- The XM Community Team --