Coding a matrix-type question with more than 1000 options | XM Community
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Coding a matrix-type question with more than 1000 options

  • October 13, 2021
  • 1 reply

Hi, I am currently creating a survey wherein I have to ask questions in a matrix format giving respondents a multi-select option within that grid. The options will be a combination of choices selected by the respondent in the previous 3 questions, e.g. 'Q10 Options selected by respondent x Q11 Options selected by respondent x Q12 Options selected by respondent' will be one of the combinations of that question. Qualtrics offers a Display-logic function but since I am getting more than 1000 (10 responses for Q10 x 10 responses for Q11 x 10 responses for Q12) such combinations, I would have to manually code it for every combination
Is there a way to automate the display logic so that it applies to all the 1000 combinations at once?
Below is what I am looking to achieve for all the combinations

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  • Level 7 ●●●●●●●
  • 2028 replies
  • October 14, 2021

I doubt you can create a matrix with more than 150 rows.

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