Prevent multiple responses from an anonymous link | XM Community
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Prevent multiple responses from an anonymous link

  • November 26, 2019
  • 2 replies

We use an anonymous link to survey customers after their issue gets resolved on social media chat support (Facebook messenger etc..). The link is shared through personal messaging. The same link is shared with 1000s of customers throughout the year but is appeneded with a few fields to differencate each response. We have enabled the ballet box stuffing option to prevent multuple responses from the same link. However, we see multiple responses from the same link from same device and within the same hour as well. Could some suggest hacks to disbale the link or throw up an error message when a response is already submitted once?

2 replies

Level 2 ●●
  • Level 2 ●●
  • 44 replies
  • December 17, 2019
I would suggest to individualize the links by adding a parameter, e.g. a "Ticket_ID", to the anonymous link. To pass the parameter "Ticket_ID", it must be set as embedded data in the survey flow and a query string must be appended before sending out the survey to the respondents. For example: *anonymous_link*?Ticket_ID=*****************

Level 2 ●●
  • Level 2 ●●
  • 124 replies
  • December 17, 2019
Hi, If you want to do such prevention from anonymous links, that would be quite difficult, if not impossible. Best I can suggest is some rigorous logical checks combined with contact list triggers. Perhaps you can use the meta info question as well as start date/time and set up if checks in your survey flow: if IP matches one from the contact list ones as well as location data, then reject the participant (or show some custom message). Perhaps if the dates of start-end are too close, then you can also reject etc. @Pat The custom query string might not work as if they want to use the exact same URL for each participant, then it can't work. Hope that helps. Nikolay

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