Update contact with no MailingListId | XM Community
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Update contact with no MailingListId

  • March 15, 2018
  • 1 reply

Hi, I have created a survey project and under distributions I clicked compose email and send the email by selecting an individual. The json response for the distribution looks like: { 'meta':{ 'httpStatus':'200 - OK', 'requestId':'aa1a5de9-94e7-4688-fasdfsdf-fsdfasdfasdf' }, 'result':{ 'elements':[ { 'createdDate':'2018-03-15T15:57:04Z', 'headers':{ 'fromEmail':'noreply@qemailserver.com', 'fromName':'test', 'replyToEmail':'test', 'subject':'test' }, 'id':'EMD_sdfasdf', 'message':{ 'libraryId':None, 'messageId':None, 'messageText':None }, 'modifiedDate':'2018-03-15T15:57:20Z', 'organizationId':'fasdfds', 'ownerId':'UR_fsdfasd', 'parentDistributionId':None, 'recipients':{ 'contactId':'MLRP_fasdfsd', 'libraryId':'UR_fasdfasd', 'mailingListId':None, 'sampleId':None }, 'requestStatus':'Done', 'requestType':'Invite', 'sendDate':'2018-03-15T15:57:00Z', 'stats':{ 'blocked':0, 'bounced':0, 'complaints':0, 'failed':0, 'finished':1, 'opened':1, 'sent':1, 'skipped':0, 'started':1 }, 'surveyLink':{ 'expirationDate':'2018-05-14T15:57:00Z', 'linkType':'Individual', 'surveyId':'SV_asdfasdf' } } ], 'nextPage':None } } Since the contact does not have the 'mailingListId' how can I update the contact via api since Update Contact API says mailingListId is required. Thanks

Best answer by Michael_Campbell_RedPepper

If you add them to a Mailing List, it should update that field. I'm pretty sure that before you can send out Emails, the contact must be added to that Mailing List for Distributions.
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QPN Level 3 ●●●
If you add them to a Mailing List, it should update that field. I'm pretty sure that before you can send out Emails, the contact must be added to that Mailing List for Distributions.

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