Slider not recording responses | XM Community
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Slider not recording responses

  • April 10, 2019
  • 1 reply

Hello, I just exported some data from Qualtrics and it seems like there are a lot of unrecorded responses. Most of the survey is using sliders, and I recorded my own response just now, and it seems like when I don't actually move the slider, it doesn't record the response - is this the case? This does not make sense to me, as the first point of the slider (where it is located if you don't move it), is also a response option. Kind Regards Cecilie

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Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • 5926 replies
  • April 10, 2019
Cecilie, A response isn't recorded until the respondent clicks on the handle, otherwise, it is blank (as if it was never answered). In most themes, the slider is partially transparent to start, then when you click on it, it becomes opaque. You could force response to make sure respondents click the handles. Alternatively, you could add default answers (e.g., 0). To do that, add an Embedded Data Field named 0 (${e://Field/0}), then delete everything except the 0.

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