How do I set up a daily survey invitation (automated) with a weekly reminder for incomplete surveys | XM Community
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How do I set up a daily survey invitation (automated) with a weekly reminder for incomplete surveys

  • December 14, 2022
  • 1 reply

Good day. I am a new user; now that my survey is ready to be published, I'm a bit stuck on how to set up the distribution to meet my needs. Basically, the same survey should be completed by all research participants once a day (for three months). If they didn't complete the survey on some of the days, I would like to send a reminder on a Sunday (for example) to complete the surveys they missed for that week. Is this possible? Unfortunately I'm not familiar with APIs, if that is what will be required (hopefully not).

1 reply

  • Level 4 ●●●●
  • 102 replies
  • December 22, 2022

Hi M_Schoeman
You can use distribution automations in directory tab, it will help you to setup recurring emails and reminders. You can follow below link for the same.

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