Triggering email notifications with quotas | XM Community
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Triggering email notifications with quotas

  • Level 1 ●
  • 2 replies

I have a survey where I’m using embedded data at the end of my anonymous link to have 75 “different” surveys (for 75 different things). 

I’ve created quotas in the survey so that we have a quota of 100 responses per month per thing. I want to trigger an email notification that notifies somebody when the quota has been met for a specific thing so that they can remove the survey from their email comms about that thing until the quota resets. 


I think I’ve successfully done that for one newsletter but it took a while and I’m now facing having to create 75 separate workflows for all of these quotas. Is there a way to have one workflow that sends an email whenever any of the quotas have been met AND specify in said email which quota?



3 replies

Level 5 ●●●●●

Hi @jmmf , your “survey” sounds complex! My first question would be to question whether or not you truly need 75 “different” surveys for “75 different things”. If there is a way you can simplify this first step, you should find the setting up of quotas and workflows MUCH easier.  The scenario you have described in a bit vague in particulars, but if you are able to share a bit more there might be a better approach than 75 different surveys. 

  • Author
  • Level 1 ●
  • 2 replies
  • October 3, 2023

Hi Thomas, 


It’s for getting feedback on all of our newsletters. So I essentially have the ONE survey for all 75 but with embedded data on the link so we can see what newsletter was answered and we only want a certain number of responses per newsletter. 

link might look like:


Despite them being part of the same survey I have still had to set up 75 different quotas and 75 different workflows and that feels like I’ve done something wrong. 


Sorry for the poor explanation before!


Level 5 ●●●●●

@jmmf , thanks for the additional information. Are you having challenges with too much feedback per newsletter? Are you getting more than 100 responses per newsletter? You could just let the newsletter surveys roll, and then only look at the data from the first 100 responses.  You could also “pause” the surveys instead of using the quota functionality.  As for notifying someone automatically when the survey quote has been met, I agree its a good idea, but...its hard to put into practice. What if you just left the survey open for a pre-determined amount of time, like 30 days, and then just scheduled to pause the survey after 30 days? 

The reason I am asking you to look at things differently is because it sounds like you are setting things up the right way. But the way you are approaching it does involve a lot of set up with the quotas and workflows. I’m just wondering if a few questions can help you decide if the entire process can be simplified. 

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