Unexpected error message ONLY when opening on iPAD | XM Community
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Unexpected error message ONLY when opening on iPAD


I have a survey that I have been running sincerest fall but starting last week I am getting a message “Sorry, an unexpected error occurred” ONLY when we are opening it on our lab’s iPAD - iOS 12.5.7. We tried opening the survey in both Safari and Chrome but same message occurs. When we give our in-lab participants a link they can open it and run on their phones just fine. It seems this is the iPad issue. Is this version became incompatible with the current Qualtrics? Has anybody run into something similar?
here is the link: https://illinois.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1Th3HTK0HwMaJhk

5 replies

Sachin Nandikol
QPN Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • QPN Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • 459 replies
  • February 9, 2024

Hello @Ana_S,

Qualtrics officially supports all of its web-based products in OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) supported versions of Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge (Chromium Version), and Mozilla Firefox.
I recommend ensuring that compatibility mode is disabled on your browser when using Qualtrics to prevent running older versions of browsers on the site, which could degrade your experience.

Additionally, I suggest updating your browser to ensure it meets industry TLS upgrades.

Let me know if this helps.


Any updates on this problem? We just had it occur today. We’ve got iPads running the same 12.5.7, and we are experiencing the same problem with same message.  The first page of the survey appears, but the forward button icon is grayed out so no go!

Luckily, we have a set of Samsung tablets that still work, but if this can be fixed, I’d really like to continue to use our iPads with Qualtrics. 


  • Author
  • 1 reply
  • February 16, 2024

@Sachin Nandikol How to disable the compatibility mode in Safari and Chrome on an iPAD? I searched the settings menue and could not find such option. Is it buried under some different menu?

Sachin Nandikol
QPN Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • QPN Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • 459 replies
  • February 16, 2024

Hello @Ana_S,

The compatibility mode that is being referred to above, is browser-specific and in regards to having the browser recognize and work with Qualtrics, so it would be something you would do on your end and not within the qualtrics platform. 

'compatibility mode' is something you would set in your browser e.x. Google Chrome, not a setting within your Qualtrics account. It is simply a recommendation we give to our users so that when you are using the product, you have are viewing your most updated view in your browser. I have attached a Google search here that explains how to disable compatibility mode on your browser: https://www.google.com/search?q=disable+compatibility+mode+on+your+browser&rlz=1C5GCEM_en&oq=disable+compatibility+mode+on+your+browser&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigAdIBBzMzNGowajeoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


Let me know if this helps.

Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • 5926 replies
  • February 16, 2024

v12.5.7 is pretty dated. The current version is 17.2. The problem doesn’t occur on v13 or newer versions. So, one solution it to update the software (OS) on your iPads.

If it is any help, here is the error that is thrown:

vendor.50397b8d9ede0752e9a7.js:2 Error [#B.esoytv.lsp37bsy]: Error [#B.esoytv.lsp37bsy]: {"line":1,"column":118002,"sourceURL":"https://illinois.qualtrics.com/jfe/static/dist/jfe.584d930db6b3ad96e0ae.js","status":500,"ref":"B.esoytv.lsp37bsy"} Source: loadQuestions initializeScrollers@https://illinois.qualtrics.com/jfe/static/dist/jfe.584d930db6b3ad96e0ae.js:1:118002














a@https://illinois.qualtrics.com/jfe/static/dist/vendor.50397b8d9ede0752e9a7.js:1:225360 https://illinois.qualtrics.com/jfe/static/dist/vendor.50397b8d9ede0752e9a7.js:1:210357

i @ vendor.50397b8d9ede0752e9a7.js:2

error @ vendor.50397b8d9ede0752e9a7.js:2

handle @ jfe.584d930db6b3ad96e0ae.js:2

i @ vendor.50397b8d9ede0752e9a7.js:2

(anonymous) @ vendor.50397b8d9ede0752e9a7.js:2

(anonymous) @ vendor.50397b8d9ede0752e9a7.js:2

r @ vendor.50397b8d9ede0752e9a7.js:2

_callHandler @ vendor.50397b8d9ede0752e9a7.js:2

_settlePromiseFromHandler @ vendor.50397b8d9ede0752e9a7.js:2

_settlePromiseAt @ vendor.50397b8d9ede0752e9a7.js:2

_settlePromises @ vendor.50397b8d9ede0752e9a7.js:2

_rejectPromises @ vendor.50397b8d9ede0752e9a7.js:2

_consumeFunctionBuffer @ vendor.50397b8d9ede0752e9a7.js:2

consumeFunctionBuffer @ vendor.50397b8d9ede0752e9a7.js:2

run @ vendor.50397b8d9ede0752e9a7.js:2

a @ vendor.50397b8d9ede0752e9a7.js:2

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