Personalizing Anonymous Survey | XM Community
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Personalizing Anonymous Survey

  • February 21, 2024
  • 1 reply



I created an anonymous survey that I wanted to distribute through personal links. The goal was to make sure that no one but the person the link was for could take the survey. 

I tested it out, and people who were not in the distribution list could still click on a link for another person and take the survey. 


Wondering how to go about fixing this? Or how to change my settings to accomplish what I was hoping to do?


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Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • 1069 replies
  • February 21, 2024


There is no completely fool-proof way built into Qualtrics to prevent an Individual or Personal link from being opened by someone other than the intended recipient, if the intended recipient has not completed the survey yet. With these types of links, the best you can do is to carefully manage the distribution of links so that they only reach the intended recipients, and apply the Security options circled below to keep people from submitting more than one survey from the same browser.

Another option would be to use Anonymous links but set up an Authenticator, so that the recipients have to log in with a code or some other unique information only they know before they can access the survey.



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