How to change drag and drop item order, based off a previous drag and drop question? | XM Community
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How to change drag and drop item order, based off a previous drag and drop question?

  • August 14, 2024
  • 1 reply


Hey everyone!


On my current survey, I have two seperate drag and drop questions, but I need my second question to have the order of its items be what the participant answered for the first drag and drop.  For example, I have 15 items in each question, and if a participant submits a ranking for question one that goes like “1,3,5,...”, I need question two to be displayed in the same order, so question 1 is first, question 3 is displayed second, question 5 is displayed 3rd, and so forth.  Any help on this would be wonderful!  


I can also provide any additional info if needed.  Thanks everyone!

1 reply


Hi @joeg1457 ,


You may wish to look at the amazing post by Tom_1842 in this thread and extend the ranking to suit your requirement.

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