Importing Survey Responses: Mapping Values Randomly Incorrect | XM Community
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Importing Survey Responses: Mapping Values Randomly Incorrect

  • September 18, 2024
  • 1 reply


I am importing responses from one Qualtrics survey to another, identical survey that is set up to communicate with an external data platform. 

At first, my import seemed to work just fine- the .csv when imported correctly identifies the right columns of the survey. However, seemingly at random, some questions within the list are not mapping correctly, and do not allow me to import my responses when remapped to be correct. These multiple choice answer questions do have a , so I think it may be an error because it’s detecting a delimiter, but many of my other questions have similar formatting and do not encounter this error. If I do not try to remap the answers, it will ignore them and will import, but there is no data for that question number. 

How do I correct my import options in order to correctly import all of my survey responses? 

default on the import of my .csv:

the edits I tried to make:


1 reply


Obvious things I check when this happens to me before I reach out to Qualtrics support are whether the Import ID is correct and whether it works in an incognito browser. After that I would just create a HAR file of the issue and submit it with your support ticket so they can clearly see what’s happening

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