Dynamic consideration of transaction date within automation filter | XM Community
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Dynamic consideration of transaction date within automation filter

  • September 6, 2021
  • 3 replies

QPN Level 5 ●●●●●

I have the following use case: We create transactions for Qualtrics contacts from external systems. In Qualtrics we would like to set up an automation based on those transactions. The daily running automation should always consider the contacts with the specific kind of transaction and yesterday's date for the distribution of a survey. Filtering only transactions of the specific kind should be no problem. However, dynamically filtering on yesterday's date does probably not work since there are no flexible date parameters with which you could work:
image.pngIs there any workaround for this? Or do you know how to set up this use case alternatively?
Thank you very much.
Best regards

3 replies

  • 2 replies
  • September 14, 2021

I had the same issue tracking dates across respondents in a way that would be friendly to sampling, filtering, etc. I wound up reverting the date to a simple number YYYYMMDD so there is a simple number, always ascending. This allows me to use simple math functions available in the filters to say for example, sample only people who haven't been contacted in 3 mos. (LastContactDate < 20210614). It looks like you're using a custom field for date, so this could work well for you.

QPN Level 4 ●●●●
  • QPN Level 4 ●●●●
  • 236 replies
  • May 17, 2022

I was looking for the same.
I found a Product Idea for this, so the only thing we can do is vote on that I think.
https://community.qualtrics.com/XMcommunity/discussion/15915/xm-directory-automationsCrosePDX , if you set LastContactDate < 20210614 then it's still a static condition and it will always remain the 14th of june 2021, right? Because I'm looking for a dynamic condition, e.g. transaction date is later than [7 days ago].

chackbusch , the only alternative would be if you work with a linked contact import automation and a distribution automation. The linked distribution only sends invites to the contacts who were in THAT specific contact upload.
So if on Monday your import automation imports Contact1 (with transaction Date = Sunday) and Contact2 (with transaction Date = Sunday) then Contact1 & Contact2 get an invite.
Then on Tuesday your import automation imports Contact3 (with transaction Date = Monday) and Contact 2 (with transaction date = Monday), then Contact3 & Contact2 get an invite (and Contact1 doesn't because he was not in that import).
My personal problem is that I am using manual transaction batch uploads instead of an automation, so I can't make such a linked distribution... therefore I would need such a dynamic filter on the Transaction Date.

  • 2 replies
  • May 17, 2022

JoycaV Correct. I can use that to update and use the date as needed but have to re-run that each time for a new date. Obviously missed that part of this problem...I have less experience using workflows or other automations, so I find I usually have to go sample to send and create these each time anyway. We often have odd custom projects and only a few that would benefit from regular automations...I should probably look into that and see. :) Still, there is quite a need for dynamic date filtering. I would vote YES! (I have upvoted your post in the other thread, let me know if there is another I should also upvote) Thank you!

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