After creating a subscription for survey response, does one have to set it after the end of survey? | XM Community
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After creating a subscription for survey response, does one have to set it after the end of survey?

  • February 6, 2019
  • 1 reply

I've used the v3 API to create a subscription for a {survey ID}. But I'm not getting any POST updates on my URL, so, I was wondering if there is something needed to be done in the survey flow.

1 reply

Level 5 ●●●●●

@sravee ,  You almost certainly have either figured out an answer to your question above or found a work-around. This question in the Qualtrics system is quite old! But since you never got anyone to reply to your question, I thought I would give it a try.

If you have successfully created a subscription using the Qualtrics v3 API, but you are not receiving any POST updates on your specified URL, there are a few potential reasons and troubleshooting steps you can take:

  1. Verify the subscription creation: Double-check that the subscription was created correctly by making a GET request to the subscription endpoint for your survey ID. Ensure that the subscription details, including the URL, are accurate.

  2. Check the URL: Ensure that the URL you provided is correct and accessible. Make sure it is publicly accessible, as Qualtrics needs to send POST updates to this URL. You can test the URL by manually sending a POST request to it and confirming that you receive the expected response.

  3. Confirm the subscription settings: Ensure that you have set up the subscription with the appropriate event types and notification types. For example, if you want to receive updates when responses are submitted, you need to include the "surveyengine.completedResponse" event type.

  4. Review your survey flow: If you have completed the steps above and are still not receiving updates, it's possible that the survey flow is not configured to trigger the desired events. In Qualtrics, you can add an Embedded Data element to your survey flow and set its value based on specific conditions. You can then use this Embedded Data element to trigger a branch or action that sends an HTTP request to your desired URL. Make sure you have included the necessary survey flow elements to trigger the events you want to capture.

  5. Check Qualtrics logs: Contact Qualtrics support and provide them with the subscription details and the survey ID. They can check their logs to see if there are any errors or issues related to sending the POST updates to your URL.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify and resolve any issues preventing you from receiving POST updates on your URL from Qualtrics.

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