Has anyone used Qualtrics for a "speed dating" type function? | XM Community
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Has anyone used Qualtrics for a "speed dating" type function?

My office host an annual event where students met faculty and discuss research opportunities happening on campus. This is set in a 3 round speed dating type format. In the past we have always had faculty complete/sign up using one survey and students the other than match by hand which with about 300 students is a long process. I am new to Qualtrics and hope to learn more this week at X4, but I feel that there would be a way to utilize Qualtrics to accomplish the matching process. Students get to choose 3-4 disciplines from a list of about 80 and faculty choose 1 discipline to represent at the event. Any and all feedback, tips and suggestions welcome....thank you!

Best answer by Kate

I would piggy back on what your first respondent said and utilize the score function- acknowledging it will still take some hand work. Design it like a personality quiz- answering A gets 1 pt, B gets 2 points. Sum them up. Those in the 1-10 range are a good fit for Professor X. 20-30 range are a good fit for Professor Z. Of course, you may get too students for Professor X and you will need to hand-review answers to give some to Professor Z. But I bet it would significantly reduce your time to process.
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QPN Level 3 ●●●
I think there might be a solution for you with Qualtrics! If I were you, I would recreate the survey in Qualtrics, and then create a Dashboard to process the data. You could score 'Compatability' for each user with others and then rank them. It might get a bit difficult coming up with an algorithm to give the most 'optimal match' for each of the respondents, but I know it's not impossible! Are you trying to pair the students in groups? Or individually?

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  • 2 replies
  • June 5, 2018
Hi Michael, Somehow I missed your reply to my question and appreciate your response. Thank you for the tips! We are trying to match at a 1:3 ratio. So for every student survey response I need to match to 3 faculty members based on the students responses. The event is three rounds (like speed dating) and students rotate to meet faculty and discuss research within the specific college/discipline. I am sure there is a way to do it, but not sure easiest or most effective. I can create a cvs with the faculty responses and choices of the students I am lost on the best way to set up the survey to get it to "match" the top three student choices with faculty disciplines represented.

  • Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 543 replies
  • Answer
  • July 11, 2018
I would piggy back on what your first respondent said and utilize the score function- acknowledging it will still take some hand work. Design it like a personality quiz- answering A gets 1 pt, B gets 2 points. Sum them up. Those in the 1-10 range are a good fit for Professor X. 20-30 range are a good fit for Professor Z. Of course, you may get too students for Professor X and you will need to hand-review answers to give some to Professor Z. But I bet it would significantly reduce your time to process.

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