Monthly Product Release Notes - December 15, 2022 to January 11, 2023 | XM Community
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Monthly Product Release Notes - December 15, 2022 to January 11, 2023

Qualtrics Employee

Monthly product release notes bannerRecent updates bannerBX Dashboards

  • Applying Filters to BX Dashboards: BX Dashboards now give you the option to add an “Apply Filters” button to your dashboard, improving dashboard performance.

  • CoreXM

  • Upcoming Library Redesign: The Qualtrics library is being redesigned at the end of January 2023. This new support page section contains an overview of the upcoming changes.

  • CX Dashboards

  • Record Table Widget: An updated version of the record grid widget with more customization options and an updated UI. The record grid widget will be moved to the deprecated widgets section of the widget menu.

  • Results Dashboards

  • Manage Public Results Dashboards: State & Local Governments and Academic research users can now create public links to their results dashboards. You can also add a password to this public dashboard.

  • Text iQ

  • Actionability: A new field that rates feedback based on how actionable it is. This makes it easier to filter your feedback down to what’s most urgent or possible to resolve. This feature will begin gradually rolling out on Jan 4, 2022. All customers will have the feature enabled by January 17, 2022.

  • Workflows

  • Date Conditions for Experience ID Events: You can now use date operators when creating conditions for Experience ID events.

  • Deprecation of Social Review and Brandwatch Workflow Events: Social Review and Brandwatch workflow events have been replaced by the Data Set Record event in reputation management projects. If you are currently using Social Review or Brandwatch workflow events, they will automatically be migrated to Dataset Record events.

  • Extract Run History Reports from Workflows Task: New ETL task that allows you to export workflow run history data.

  • Jira Workflow Events: You can now make Jira events that trigger actions in Qualtrics based on changes in Jira issues. For example, you could build a Jira event that distributes a survey whenever a Jira issue has closed. 

  • Zendesk Task & Zendesk Event: Minor updates including subdomain validation in Zendesk tasks, dynamic field selection in Zendesk events, and a cosmetic refresh.

  • XM Platform

  • Homepage Quick Start: Depending on your license, you may see a walkthrough when first accessing the homepage. This will appear if you have no data or projects in your account, and will walk you through setting up and distributing your first survey.

  • Viewing Support History: Support ticket history in the support portal has a new and improved user interface where you can easily navigate tickets, view detailed transcripts and escalations, and more.

  • 360

  • Conditional TextYou can now filter question and scoring category conditional text logic statements by your rater group filters.

  • Upcoming features bannerBX Dashboards

  • BX Spotlight Insights: Users can generate insights in BX Global Brand Tracker programs to analyze how brand data compares against each other. These insights are generated by analyzing t-test comparison groups in a cross-tab analysis that produces statistically significant comparisons between demographic groups and across competitor brands.

  • Stats iQ

  • R Coding in Stats iQThis feature is now available for customers in the FedRAMP environment.

  • Workflows

  • Experience ID Change Event: This workflow event allows users to trigger workflows based on contact change events, including the creation of a contact, deletion of a contact, or updates to an existing contact.

  • XM Solutions

  • Video Diary Study Guided SolutionThis new guided solution uses video response questions to analyze customer sentiments and let them share their experiences in their own words. This solution includes a survey, video editor, and dashboard.

  • Feedback & questions banner*Disclaimer: Release dates are approximate and are subject to change. Not every feature is guaranteed to be included in Upcoming Features.

  • If you have any questions about the product updates featured in this list, our support team is happy to help you with your request. 

  • If you have questions about what’s on the product roadmap, please see our Product Roadmap page. If you’d like to contribute to the product roadmap, please visit the Product Ideas category.

  • You can provide feedback on the Monthly Product Release Notes here.

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