Weekly Product Release Notes - April 6, 2020 | XM Community
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Weekly Product Release Notes - April 6, 2020

  • April 6, 2020
  • 1 reply

Qualtrics Employee

Entries that are bolded indicate recent product updates. To submit your own support page update requests or feedback, please use the Feedback intercept you can find on the support site.


  1.  COVID-19 Brand Trust Pulse: New, free XM Solution! Designed to assess consumers’ trust in your brand, and your competitors, based on the best practices of the most trusted brands during this crisis. 

  2. Email Scan Roadblock: A new Survey Option that prevents email-scanning software from starting a survey session on email links. Included on licenses with Fraud Detection.

  3. Remote + On-site Work Pulse: This XM solution is now localized with Qualtrics-provided translations! See the linked section on using these translations. 

  4. Healthcare Workforce Pulse: This XM solution is now localized with Qualtrics-provided translations! See the linked section on using these translations. 

  5. Passing Information via Query Strings: Page revised for clarity; additional info on general query string structure, use cases, and specific examples.

CX Dashboards

  1. Response Ticker: Content Label Changes: Content labels now appear on widgets. Multiple fields can be displayed at once.


  1. Brand Tracker Types: New types of brand tracker projects have been created, with different funnel levels and updated industry best practices.

  2. Funnel Widget (BX): Existing widget, moved to a new support page. Setup clarified.

  3. Correspondence Analysis Widget (BX): Existing widget, moved to a new support page. Setup clarified.

  4. Brand Image Profile Widget (BX): New widget specialized for brand image profiling.

  5. Radar Chart Widget (BX): New widget. A two-dimensional chart designed to plot one or more series of quantitative values.

  6. Conversion Funnel Reporting (BX): New support page.

  7. Brand Imagery Reporting (BX): New support page.

  8. Brand Usage Reporting (BX): New support page.

  9. Correspondence Analysis (BX): New support page on the statistical theory behind correspondence analysis.


  1. Response Ticker: Content Label Changes: Content labels now appear on widgets. Multiple fields can be displayed at once.

  2. Participant Portal (360): New section on enabling the portal for multiple languages.

  3. Guided Action Planning: Custom field creation has changed; there are now more options available for custom fields in guided action planning. See “adding fields to action planning” for more details.


  1. Salesforce Workflow Rule Event: Updated functionality for existing feature. Now, this event is compatible with other tasks, like Email Task & XMD Task for a more flexible setup. 

  2. Triggering & Emailing Surveys in Salesforce or Updating Contacts in Qualtrics: Updated page to reflect new setup with Salesforce Workflow Rule Event. New section added to reflect new ability to save record changes in Salesforce as contact info in Qualtrics.

1 reply


If something is "roadblocked," will it show up in the data?

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